Table of Contents

Lesson 4

Abstract classes, interfaces and polimorfism.



Clase abstracte si interfete
Thinking in Java : Chapter 7 - Polimorphism
Diagrama de clase
Implementarea diagramelor UML in Java


Exercise 1

Follow the instructions and implement the program according to specification . Create an appropriate test class for testing the program.

In this exercise, Shape shall be defined as an abstract class, which contains:

Exercise 2

Create the UML class diagram for the program bellow. Add a new type of bird, and modify BirdController in order to handle the new type of bird.

class Bird {
            public void move(){
                        System.out.println("The bird is moving.");
class Penguin extends Bird{
            public void move(){
                        System.out.println("The PENGUIN is swiming.");
class Goose extends Bird{
            public void move(){
                        System.out.println("The GOOSE is flying.");
public class BirdController{
            Bird[] birds = new Bird[3];
                        birds[0] = createBird();
                        birds[1] = createBird();
                        birds[2] = createBird();
            public void relocateBirds(){
                        for(int i=0;i<birds.length;i++)
            private Bird createBird(){
                        int i = (int)(Math.random()*10);
                                    return new Penguin();
                                    return new Goose();
            public static void main(String [] args){
                        BirdController bc = new BirdController();

Exercise 3

Implement application based on the UML class diagram bellow. Create a test class for testing the program.

Exercise 4

Implement application based on the UML class diagram bellow. Create a test class for testing the program.